3 Things To Do For Pre-Planning Your Funeral


If you want to be in charge of your funeral, it is important to plan it in advance. This will allow you to make all of the necessary decisions, and you can get what you want by doing so. Knowing things that should be done ahead of time can allow you to accomplish the goal of pre-planning your funeral with ease. Choose the funeral director It is important to select the funeral director to help with your funeral arrangements.

17 February 2015

Life After LASIK: Using Contacts After The Procedure


Laser vision correction procedures like LASIK have offered countless patients the gift of clearer, better sight. While the vast majority of these procedures go off without a hitch, there are a few cases where further corrective action is necessary after the surgery. Custom contact lenses can help reduce and correct many of these post-surgery issues. Why You May Need Post-Surgery Contacts Of the 600,000 LASIK procedures performed each year in the U.

20 October 2014

Addressing The Petechiae Problem: Capillaries That Need Vein Treatment


Petechiae, if your doctor has not already informed you, are tiny capillaries that can pop at any time and leave reddish to purplish spots anywhere on the body. Usually they are not very bothersome, but some people can experience dozens of these little capillary explosions, and if they are close to the skin's surface, they can be varicose petechiae as well. This might cause a lot of bursting and bleeding through the skin at times when you least expect it.

20 October 2014