If you want to be in charge of your funeral, it is important to plan it in advance. This will allow you to make all of the necessary decisions, and you can get what you want by doing so. Knowing things that should be done ahead of time can allow you to accomplish the goal of pre-planning your funeral with ease.
Choose the funeral director
It is important to select the funeral director to help with your funeral arrangements. The location you select will be responsible for carrying out your wishes, and it's critical to choose a place you can count on to do so. You can rest assured if this director retires before your death, the staff on charge would ensure your wishes are completed for you.
Listed below are things the director can do:
1. Make all the necessary arrangements to move the body to the funeral home.
2. Oversee the preparation of the body for a viewing or cremation.
3. Create the obituary and place it in the appropriate newspapers.
4. Talk to you about the entire costs of the funeral.
5. Assist you in choosing the pallbearers and other people that are necessary to be part of the funeral.
6. Ensure the death certificate is in place and sent to all of the required parties.
Choose the casket
One of the most expensive items for your funeral service will be the casket. These come in a variety of types, sizes and costs. For instance, for a metal casket, you can expect to pay $1,200-$5,000.
This price can drastically increase if you purchase a high-end casket that can cost as much as $15,000-$30,000.
Choose the service
Would you prefer to have a quiet service or a more elaborate one? It is up to you to determine the type of funeral service you want.
Listed below are some things you should do:
1. Choose the music for the funeral service.
2. Determine what type of floral arrangements you would like to have.
3. Decide on the type of music, if any, you want to be played.
4. Determine the speakers you want to talk on your behalf at the funeral.
Finally, being capable of planning how you will be buried and the entirety of the service can give you the peace of mind you may need. Be sure to work closely with the funeral home, like Hempstead Funeral Home, of your choice to have all of the details completed as necessary for your death.
Share17 February 2015