Clinical Monitoring Of Medication Side Effects

Health & Medical Blog

Whenever a pharmaceutical company develops a new medication, strict clinical monitoring needs to be implemented to make sure that the drug has an acceptable safety profile before it is cleared for use in the general population. Medications can cause mild side effects, and in some cases, severe or even life-threatening side effects. Here are some common and rare side effects that may be observed during the clinical monitoring phase of a new medication.

15 December 2020

Great Advice To Consider When Purchasing Medical Gas Outlets For A Practice

Health & Medical Blog

In medical fields where gas is supplied to patients, there are medical gas outlets. They're an integral piece of equipment that you need to purchase if you have a medical practice of your own. These tips can get you started if you want some direction.  Make Sure Mounting Hardware Is High-Quality If you plan on mounting these medical gas outlets inside your facility, then you need to ensure the mounting hardware used is high-quality.

13 November 2020

Why Do Most Healthcare Employees Wear Scrubs While Working?

Health & Medical Blog

There are many different job roles in the healthcare field. Nurses, physical therapists, surgeons and physicians are only a few that have a variety of different duties to perform while caring for their patients. One thing that most healthcare workers have in common is that they usually wear scrubs while on the job. These are some reasons why most healthcare employees wear scrubs while working. Cleanliness Many healthcare facilities clean their employees' scrubs for them with high-quality cleaning agents and heat on a regular basis.

16 October 2020

4 Kinds Of Obstetric Services

Health & Medical Blog

An obstetrician is usually associated with delivering babies and providing both prenatal and antenatal care. What some people may not realize is that there are other obstetric services these specialists provide before, during, and after pregnancy. Here are four kinds of obstetric services. 1. Preconception Counseling An obstetrician can help a woman even before she becomes pregnant. This is done through preconception counseling. Some of the benefits of preconception counseling include:

14 September 2020

Is Surgery The Best Solution For Your Shoulder Impingement Syndrome?

Health & Medical Blog

Persistent joint problems are always a cause for concern. Living with the common joint condition known as shoulder impingement syndrome can be particularly challenging, particularly for people with active lifestyles. This debilitating condition can cause pain, weakness, and loss of mobility, and these symptoms can become much worse if the affected shoulder is left untreated. Doctors, physiotherapists, and other joint specialists can offer a range of treatments for shoulder impingement syndrome, and many sufferers are able to manage symptoms using basic, non-invasive treatments.

7 July 2020