How To Minimize The Side Effects Of Hormone Replacement Therapy


There are some risks associated with hormone replacement therapy. For example, you can increase the risk that you suffer from heart disease as a result of the treatment. But by taking certain preventative steps and by choosing the right treatment options, you can reduce your risk.    Decide On the Right Treatment for You Depending on the conditions you are trying to treat through hormone replacement therapy, there might be a specific product with a specific method of delivery that might be right for you.

13 August 2015

What Technology Can Assist You In Conceiving (Without Fertility Drugs)?

Health & Medical Blog

If you're just beginning the conception journey, you and your partner are likely feeling a mix of emotions -- joy, nervous anticipation, and possibly even worry. You may be wondering whether you'll conceive quickly or whether you'll need to seek outside assistance to help the process along. Fortunately, there are now a number of readily available applications and devices that can help you pinpoint the times you're most likely to conceive.

31 July 2015

Important Things To Know Before Asking Your Dentist About Veneers

Dentist Blog

Are your teeth yellow or otherwise discolored? Have you tried bleaching or whitening your teeth, but haven't gotten the results that you want? Having veneers applied may be the solution that you've been looking for. Before talking to your dentist about veneers, here are some things to consider: Veneers are usually not reversible: Like many dental treatments, such as a tooth pulling, having veneers added is not a reversible process. With traditional veneers, a small amount of your natural tooth enamel is removed during installation, in order to allow the veneers to bond to your teeth.

20 July 2015

Three Reasons Laser Body Sculpting Is A Great Option For Your Problem Fat

Health & Medical Blog

If you have begun working out and changing your body, but need a little nudge to get rid of some troubling fat areas, laser body contouring, also known as laser body sculpting, can help you to get the job done. This procedure uses highly advanced lasers to trim away body fat and provide an overall slimmer appearance. If you are unfamiliar with this process, consider these great advantages, and then reach out to a laser body contouring doctor for a consultation.

8 July 2015

Food Allergy? 4 Things You Should Never Do While Experiencing An Allergic Reaction

Health & Medical Blog

Approximately 15 million Americans have food allergies, and that number is expected to continue to rise as new cases are increasing dramatically, a phenomenon that experts have yet to explain. While many allergic reactions are mild, causing symptoms like itching and sneezing, some are life threatening. Serious allergic reactions result in more than 200,000 emergency room visits per year.  If you have food allergies and experience a severe allergic reaction, you must seek treatment immediately.

18 June 2015

Common Hormone Replacement Therapy Questions Answered

Health & Medical Blog

There are many different health problems that you can encounter as you age, but a decline in the production of hormones is a common issue for many people. Experiencing a deficiency in a particular hormone can be extremely disruptive to your life. While there are treatments available for these conditions, many patients lack some essential knowledge about these options. In particular, hormone replacement therapy is one of the more commonly misunderstood options, but learning these two answers to routine questions should help you to understand this option for treating your hormone imbalance.

4 June 2015

Clearing 5 Of The Most Common Misconceptions Concerning Laser Vision Correction Surgery


If you have been dealing with vision problems for a long time, you know how frustrating it can be to deal with the fact that you cannot always rely on your own eyes to serve you well. Laser eye surgery to correct the vision is one of the most common procedures performed and offers a range of advantages. However, there are a lot of patients who are not very familiar with this type of treatment and associate the idea with some quite common misconceptions.

20 May 2015

Options For Help When Your Husband Has Alzheimer's Disease

Health & Medical Blog

If your husband has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, you should prepare for the day you need help with his care. Although you may not want to deal with things such as finding a good facility and getting your legal and financial matters in order, it's better to do it early rather than put it off. That way, you won't have to make difficult decisions when you're stressed out from the daily weight of being a sole caregiver.

4 May 2015

Under The Knife: Four Tips To Help You Prepare For Breast Implants

Health & Medical Blog

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, breast augmentations are the most common cosmetic procedure in America with more than 280,000 patients undergoing the knife each year. Full breasts are a big hit—and have been for several years. If you are thinking about getting breast implants, make sure you educate yourself first. Here are four tips to help you prepare: 1. Be Open Minded Even if you do your homework and know exactly what you want, realize that it may not be possible.

20 April 2015

Uh Oh! How Do You Dry Out A Wet Hearing Aid?

Health & Medical Blog

If your hearing aid gets wet, you probably already know that you need to remove it from your ear immediately. But what should you do next, and are there any special precautions that you need to take? The tips below will help you dry out your hearing aid as quickly and safely as possible, whether your hearing aid fell into the pool or you simply forgot to remove it before taking a shower.

6 April 2015