3 Tips To Encourage Your Kids To Take Their Medicine

Health & Medical Blog

Taking medicine often isn't pleasant for adults, and it can be even more unpleasant for kids. If you are tired of having to battle with your children every time that they need to take medication, consider these three tips for encouraging them to do so. 1. Try Flavored Liquids Some kids have trouble swallowing capsules and pills, and many find that chewable medications have a strange taste and texture. For many kids, a flavored liquid can be the best choice.

5 August 2016

Why People Often End Up Gaining So Much Weight After Graduating High School


Have you ever looked at your parents and wondered why they gained so much weight after they graduated high school? There are a lot of reasons you gain weight, and in America, it often requires a visit to a weight clinic to fix. However, if you're still young and have either just graduated high school or are less than five years or so out, you have time to understand this weight gain and prevent it.

26 July 2016

Silence That Snoring For A Better Night's Sleep

Health & Medical Blog

Snoring is a sign that you are struggling to breath. Some part of your airway is blocking your body's attempt to get enough air into your lungs. The sound of the snoring comes from the blockage causing tissues to vibrate. Here are the major reasons for snoring and how to get rid of it so you can get a restful night's sleep. Airway Obstacles Your airway runs between your nose and your lungs.

13 July 2016

Tips For Minimizing Your Hearing Loss Risks

Health & Medical Blog

Hearing loss affects over 35 million people in the U.S. alone. With many different causes, there's no single solution to prevent it. However, that doesn't mean that there's nothing you can do to reduce your risks. Here's a look at a few things you can do to minimize your chances of suffering hearing loss as you age. Keep Ambient Noise At A Minimum Exposing your ears to persistent sounds at high decibel levels will lead to gradual damage.

7 July 2016

2 Tips To Help Keep Your Mouth Bacteria Free After Getting An Allograft For Your Dental Implants

Health & Medical Blog

Having a healthy gum foundation is extremely important when it comes to getting dental implants. If your dentist feels that your gums are not healthy enough, then they may suggest an allograft. An allograft surgical procedure involves taking tissue from someone else and placing it in your gums. The healing process for this procedure is extensive. During your recovery process, your surgical site is more susceptible to developing an infection. A bacterial infection can result in a major setback.

28 June 2016

Worried About Heart Disease? Ditch The Sugar

Health & Medical Blog

For years, scientists and doctors advised patients against saturated fats due to their proposed connection to heart disease. Saturated fats were blamed for causing heart disease, increasing its risk, and potentially making it worse. However, as science evolves, some things that were once conventional wisdom are being abandoned. Read on to learn why you should move your focus away from saturated fat and towards sugar if you're concerned about heart disease.

13 June 2016

What You Should Know About Hand Osteoarthritis

Health & Medical Blog

Have you been feeling a dull pain in both of your hands that seems to be getting worse? You might have a medical condition that is called hand osteoarthritis, which can occur when the cartilage between your joints begins to wear out. It is not possible for hand osteoarthritis to be cured, but a specialist can assist with helping you to manage the pain better. Take a look at the information in this article for more insight about hand osteoarthritis.

26 May 2016

Probiotics For Crohn's Disease Sufferers

Health & Medical Blog

Crohn's disease is a painful, chronic gastrointestinal disorder that can cause symptoms like irregularity and other stomach issues. While there are plenty of prescription medications available on the market to help keep the symptoms of Crohn's disease at bay, supplemental doses of probiotics may also help. If you have Crohn's disease or know someone dealing with this issue, here's some helpful information about probiotics and how they may be able to help.

11 May 2016

5 Puppy Potty Training Mistakes to Avoid

Health & Medical Blog

Potty training a puppy is hard work and takes a lot of patience. If your puppy is not getting the hang of it as soon as you had hoped, you might feel pretty frustrated. However, you could be making mistakes without even realizing it. Here are five common puppy potty training mistakes you need to avoid: Not Putting Your Puppy in a Crate Putting your puppy in a crate while you are away from home might seem cruel, but it really is not.

11 April 2016

Self-Calming Tools For The Excitable Or Anxious Child

Health & Medical Blog

Small children often have issues with sensory overload and anxiety, and it can be a frustrating task for parents as they try to find ways to help an oversensitive child cope. There are various products available, however, that can help children learn self-calming behaviors.    How do you know if your child can benefit from self-calming products? Self-calming products can help children who have certain disorders that include sensory issues, like autism or ADHD, where overstimulation in loud, crowded areas can be a problem.

11 April 2016