Diabetes Symptoms And Relief Methods

Health & Medical Blog

According to the American Diabetes Association, diabetes inflicts about 9% of the population of the United States. Diabetes is the result of an elevated sugar level in the blood. Usually the pancreas will create insulin to keep sugar levels low. Having a problem with insulation production causes diabetes. Diabetes is a condition that has no cure, but that can be monitored and controlled. Here are some of the symptoms of diabetes and some methods you can use to relieve them.

Symptoms of Diabetes

Many of these cases go undiagnosed or even unnoticed because the symptoms of stage one diabetes are not ones that are severe. The symptoms of stage 2 diabetes are a bit more noticeable and most people see the doctor at this stage.

Stage 1 diabetes include the following symptoms:

  • Weight loss
  • Frequent urination
  • Increased thirst
  • Fatigue
  • Extreme hunger
  • Blurred vision
  • Irritability

Stage 2 diabetes symptoms would include all the symptoms listed above plus a few extra symptoms including

  • Slow-healing sores and frequent infections
  • Dark patches of skin-usually in the armpits and other areas of the skin where folds exist
  • Risk of foot ulcers

Relieving The Symptoms of Diabetes

Insulation production varies depending on the weight of the person. This is why many times people with diabetes are those who struggle with weight problems. Exercise and a healthy diet can help ease some of the diabetic symptoms. If the diabetic person exercises frequency and keeps to a strict diet, the insulin production may increase, causing the sugar level to be at a lower level than a person that does not bother to try living a healthy lifestyle. The condition is still present, but the symptoms will subside as sugar levels are monitored.

Vitamins that are specially formulated for diabetic people can help greatly in the reduction of symptoms. Taking a daily supplement will help keep sugar levels at bay. This should be discussed with your doctor to make sure you are receiving the proper dosage.

Diabetic socks can help with the blood flow to the calf area and feet. Often the elevation in sugar can cause constriction of blood flow, especially in the lower extremities. Using a sock designed without elastic can help keep blood flow moving. When it becomes constricted, there is a chance that ulcers and blood clots may form in the foot area.These socks will also keep your feet cool and dry, discouraging the growth of a fungus problem. The use of diabetic socks for men or women paired with a diabetic foot skin care cream can help keep your feet from becoming afflicted with pain from this condition.


17 October 2014