Let Your Glasses Say Something About Your Personality

Health & Medical Blog

Sure, you need your glasses, or you wouldn't be wearing them, but you've always relied on contacts outside of the house. You kept your glasses around for whenever you removed your contacts, like after work or before bed. Your glasses only came out of the house in emergencies (or when you were pretty sure that no one you knew would see you). Now, it's time to put your contacts aside, and get a great pair of eyeglasses instead.

Your Eye Wear Is An Accessory

Your glasses are an accessory, just like your shoes. You need both of them, but you want what you wear to say something about who you are as a person. Since people tend to focus on faces, you need to think of your glasses as the most important fashion accessory that you own.

How To Pick The Right Pair Of Glasses

Don't get overwhelmed by all of the choices that you have in eye wear (because you have a lot of them). Use this guide:

You're Serious And Professional: Pick unadorned frames that are classic and simple in shape. Stick to basic colors: black, gray, brown. If you want to go with metal instead of plastic, consider rimless lenses in gunmetal, or black. A look like this will let people know that you're serious about what you do, and that your work is an important part of who you are. This is a perfect choice for a CEO, a doctor, or a lawyer.

You're Creative: Today's designer frames come in just about any color in the rainbow, so find a pair that showcases your eye color. Pick a pair of purple or blue lenses if you have blue eyes. Bring out the golden tones of your hazel eyes, with yellow, gold, or orange tinted frames. If you have brown eyes, pick something warm, like a soft brown, or pretty tortoise shell frames.

Don't forget to consider the side arms of the glasses, either. Pick a wide side arm, with stars, geometric shapes, or little rhinestones on them. Have fun with your look.

You're Young At Heart: If you're getting older, but you don't want people to think that older equals boring, there are frames that make it easy to show your youthful side.

Pick frames that are multi-colored, and frames that lift upward. Soft cat-eye styles are back in fashion, so consider those, if you're a woman. If you're a man, pick a frame that lifts a little at the upper corners. They'll automatically give you a small face-lift, make you seem younger, and let people know that being older doesn't mean that you've lost your sense of adventure.

If you can't find a pair of glasses that will reflect the statement that you want to make, don't feel limited by what's available. You can always have your eye wear custom made.

The most important rule about glasses is to let yourself have fun with them. You always look your best when you're comfortable in what you wear. Whatever frames you decide on, wear them with confidence and let your personality shine! Visit websites like http://www.spectacleshoppe.biz/ for more fun eye wear ideas.


22 October 2014