Raising a teenager can be difficult, but when you have a teenager with epilepsy, you have additional problems to face. The normal things that make parents of teenagers worry constantly, such as whether their child is being safe while driving or if their child is drinking or taking drugs, are amplified for your family because these "normal" teenage issues could pose significant health risks for your child. But, knowing is half the battle. So, take some time to learn about these common problems and what to do about them.
It's common for teens to want to stop their seizure medication. This could happen for several reasons, including:
Fortunately, there are a few options available for parents facing this situation, because the last thing you want to do is spend your days and nights wondering if your teen has taken her medication.
Your teenager may be hesitant to tell someone that she's dating about her condition. While the decision is ultimately hers to make, it's important to encourage her to be open and honest with anyone that she's seriously dating. This way, your teen's boyfriend or girlfriend doesn't become upset, frightened, or panicky during a seizure.
Some states allow people with epilepsy to get a driver's license if they are taking medication to control their seizures and they haven't had a seizure recently. So, the good news is, your teen doesn't having to miss out on this monumental event. However, it's important to talk to your teen about how her condition will affect her driver's license. In most cases, if someone has a seizure, they have to stop driving—which could discourage your teen from telling you about a seizure.
When it comes to your teen driving, you need a happy medium. Your teenager wants her freedom, and you don't want to worry constantly. So try allowing her to drive, as long as she's proving to you that she's responsible in other aspects of her life. And keep the lines of communication open by randomly asking her if she's had any seizures that you should know about.
Raising a teenager with epilepsy is stressful. Fortunately, by keeping your medication options open, considering alternative treatment for seizures, communicating with your teen, and encouraging her to talk about her condition, you can both survive the teenage years without too many struggles.
Share29 October 2014