3 Vestibular Disorders Which You Should Be Aware Of


Vestibular disorders are a common cause of hearing loss, and are one of the many reasons why people may have to opt for a hearing aid in order to be able to adequately hear. Throughout the course of this brief article, you will learn about a few vestibular disorders that can possibly afflict you and what sort of symptoms and effects are involved.


The vestibular system basically contains a "labyrinth" of winding canals. Labyrinthitis refers to these canals becoming infected by a virus or bacteria. The number of effects of Labyrinthitis are quite staggering and strong, ranging from vertigo to tinnitus and even to long term hearing loss. Labyrinthitis has also been known to create anxiety in those suffering from it, and those afflicted can also become subject to a number of issues that are caused by anxiety, including shortness of breath, anxiety attacks, and heart palpitations. Some of the relief treatments that are used by audiologists include gaze stability exercises, wherein the patients' head remains stable, but he or she is required to focus on objects solely with his or her gaze.

Meniere's Disease

Meniere's disease usually does not manifest itself with large scale problems, usually restricting itself to vertigo, but, if left untreated, it can cause hearing loss or tinnitus. Meniere's disease should be addressed by an audiologist as soon as possible, so he or she can determine if the issue will be short lived or has the danger of becoming a chronic issue. The disease is caused by a large amount of fluid that is present in the inner ear, and can be cured (or sometimes only alleviated) by a draining of this fluid.

Perilymph Fistula

Between the inner and middle ear are "walls" of flesh that separate them. If these walls become prone to ripping or tearing, then you have suffered from perilymph fistula. After the walls have ripped, fluid from the inner ear pours into the middle ear, replacing what was normally merely air. Perilymph fistula may cause severe discomfort, or even a consistent pain, as well as a "popping" feeling. Dizziness and short term hearing loss are all symptoms of perillymph fistula. Luckily, the issue tends to resolve itself, so long as you take it easy and avoid most physical activities for one to two weeks.

Although numerous cases of vestibular disorders have caused hearing loss or have motivated people to use hearing aids, if caught early, they may not prove to be such a large issue. If you fear that you might be suffering from a vestibular related issue, you should contact a trusted audiologist as soon as possible. Contact a company, such as the Clarity & Comfort Hearing Center, for more information. 


23 February 2016