The loss of a woman's breast to cancer can affect your sex drive, self-esteem and how you feel about yourself as a woman. A mastectomy is an essential tool in fighting breast cancer. However, it can take a serious emotional toll on a woman. It helps to understand the fight to overcome cancer does not stop after surgery. Read on to find ways to feel better about yourself and your body after a mastectomy.
Consider Breast Reconstruction
Plastic surgery to reconstruct your breast can help your body feel more familiar and improve your self-esteem. Breast reconstruction is a surgical procedure for women who have had all or part of their breast removed. This surgical procedure rebuilds your breast mound to match the shape and size of your other breast.
To rebuild your breast, your surgeon can use your breast tissue, breast expanders, implants or a combination to improve appearance. Another option is to use a prosthetic breast. A prosthesis is an artificial breast that can be worn under your bra to give you the appearance of a natural breast.
Keep A Positive Attitude
Stay positive may seem like simple advice. After going through breast cancer, it helps to focus on the positive. Keeping a good attitude has keep many cancer survivors sane.
You have to look at the big picture. If you are having reconstruction surgery, then you get a say in reshaping your breast. Currently, there are more than 2.8 million breast cancer survivors in the United States. You are now in this group. It should feel good that you have overcome such a serious illness and won the fight.
Communicate With Your Spouse
Many women are worried about their physical relationship with their spouse after having a mastectomy. You may be concern that your spouse will not find you physically attractive any more. If you have concerns, then you need to talk to your spouse about your fears. However, there are other things about you that make you womanly and attractive to your spouse.
A mastectomy does not change a woman's ability to enjoy sex. Communicating with your spouse can help with maintaining a happy, healthy sex life.
Breast cancer can take a physical and emotional toll. It helps to get support as you make the next step to recovery. This support should not just come from loved ones. It could help to talk to other breast cancer survivors. Contact a doctor, such as Sam W Huddleston IV, MD, for more information.
Share30 March 2016