3 Types Of Treatments For Asthma

Health & Medical Blog

If you or a loved one suffer from asthma, you understand how scary an asthma attack can be. The shortness of breath that accompanies an asthma attack can become so severe that it creates complications that compromise a person's well-being.

Medications and medical procedures are available to help asthma sufferers manage their symptoms. Understanding these options will prepare you to take advantage of the right treatments for your own asthma in the future.

1. Long-Term Preventative Medications

Many doctors prescribe long-term preventative medications to patients with asthma. The purpose of these medications is to reduce any swelling and mucus present in the airways.

Long-term preventative medications are designed to limit the body's response to asthma triggers. The result is a reduction in the number of asthma attacks a patient suffers. Long-term preventative medications come in many forms.

Your doctor may prescribe a corticosteroid, a beta-agonist, or a leukotriene modifier to help you mitigate the severity of any asthma responses you may experience in the future.

2. Rescue Medications

No matter how hard you try to prevent an asthma attack, the potential for a severe attack always exists for those with an asthma diagnosis. When a severe asthma attack strikes, you will need access to an immediate rescue medication to counteract the negative effects of the attack.

Rescue medications are designed to act quickly and efficiently. These medications provide immediate relief by relaxing the smooth muscles near the airway. Relaxation of the muscles eliminates airway restriction and allows for normal breathing once again.

You should talk with your doctor to determine which rescue medication will be most effective in treating any acute asthma attacks you may experience in the future.

3. Bronchial Thermoplasty

Prescription medications aren't the only treatment option for people with asthma. Your doctor might suggest that you undergo a medical procedure known as a bronchial thermoplasty.

Individuals who suffer from asthma often have extra smooth muscle in the walls of their airways. This extra muscle can interfere with breathing patterns during an asthma attack.

Specialized asthma doctors can use a small tube to direct heat to airway walls in order to reduce smooth muscle.

It takes multiple visits for bronchial thermoplasty to be performed in full, but you should experience a significant decrease in the frequency and severity of your asthma attacks after undergoing this type of treatment.

When you understand your asthma treatment options, you are better able to manage your asthma over time.


1 March 2021