3 Tips For Getting The Best Physical Therapy Care

Health & Medical Blog

Your choice in physical therapy care can make or break the quality of life you move forward with. Right now, 80% of people have lower back pain, and people regularly suffer common injuries like runner's knee, pulled muscles, and strained groins. Whether your injury is due to age or an accident, you'll need the assistance of a physical therapist that has proven success rebuilding people's bodies. Read on to learn how to handle your physical therapy care. 

#1: Get a full documenting of your injuries through the help of your physician

Start by reaching out to your physician so that you know the exact nature of your injury. A physician will give you a checkup to test your range of motion and can make use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT) scans, and other forms of medical imaging. These visits will pinpoint the exact area of muscle tears, sprains, strains, fractures, dislocations, or any other injuries you've suffered. An accurate diagnosis sets a strong foundation for your physical therapy recovery. 

#2: Carefully select a physical therapy clinic that is effective and forward-thinking

Ensure that you're choosing the most skilled physical therapists since they're offering hands-on care that you're trusting to rebuild your body, Consult the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) and other organizations for leads. Learn whether they have professional leanings or areas of expertise, such as chiropractic care, sports medicine, or recovery from specific injuries, like car accidents or falls. 

Think long-term with your physical therapy to budget for the next few months and beyond. Physical therapy generally costs $20-$350 for each session. Check your health insurance plan to see if these appointments are covered. 

#3: Stick to your physical therapy regimen and get the support that you need

Physical therapy is more effective when you're also working the process on your own time. Physical therapy strength training workouts might include dumbbells, resistance bands, pushups, squats, and calisthenics. There will also be a series of stretches, range of motion exercises, and general conditioning work. 

Yoga and pilates are physical therapy staples for many since they focus on holding positions and building a strong core and total body. These exercises also strengthen your joints, improve your range of motion, and improve your flexibility. 

Stock your refrigerator with anti-inflammation foods that can help you control oxidative stress and improve blood flow. Food items like carrots, sweet potatoes, and leafy green vegetables are rich in Vitamin A, and nitric oxide. Eating these foods will help you avoid the stress that comes from constant physical exertion, and will assist in your recovery. 

Start here so that you can get the best from your physical therapy. 


29 October 2021