Did you know that your hair can be used to test for drug use? It's a relatively new technology and one that is growing in popularity. If you are curious about hair drug testing and its accuracy, here's what you need to know.
What is hair drug testing?
Hair drug testing is a method of testing for drug use by taking a small sample of hair from the head. The hair is then tested for the presence of drugs. Hair drug testing can be used to detect drug use over time, making it more accurate than urine or blood tests, which the National Institutes of Health report only show drug use during the previous days or weeks.
How long does the evidence of drug use stay in hair follicles?
While it depends on the drug, the evidence of drug use remains in hair follicles for up to 90 days, meaning that hair drug testing can be used to detect drug use even if it occurred several months ago. Additionally, drugs can stay in body hair follicles for up to a year, making hair drug testing an accurate method for detecting long-term drug use.
How accurate is hair drug testing?
Hair follicle testing is considered to be a fairly accurate form of drug testing, giving a more accurate picture of past drug use than blood and urine tests. There are, however, many things that can interfere with the test results, including:
It is important to note that a positive hair drug test does not necessarily indicate current usage. Hair drug testing should be paired with a urine test to identify both past and present drug use.
Hair drug testing is a reliable and accurate way to test for drug use. While some factors can interfere with the test results, it is still considered more accurate than urine or blood tests at determining long-term drug use.
Reach out to a company like AAVCOR for more information.
Share19 September 2022