Common Outpatient Surgical Services

Health & Medical Blog

Outpatient surgeries do not require an overnight stay in the hospital. The services can be performed in a hospital, a freestanding surgery center, or a doctor's office. The services offer several benefits, such as lower costs, less risk of infection, and faster recovery.

Nonetheless, outpatient surgery is not suitable for every patient or every procedure. Some factors that may affect the eligibility for outpatient surgery include the type and complexity of the surgery, the patient's medical history and condition, and the availability of postoperative care and support.

Here are some common outpatient surgical services

Cataract Surgery

This is a procedure to remove the cloudy lens of the eye and replace it with an artificial one. Cataract surgery can improve vision and reduce glare and halos. The procedure is typically completed fairly quickly.


This is a procedure to examine and treat problems inside a joint, such as the knee, shoulder, or hip. Arthroscopy involves inserting a thin tube with a camera and instruments through small incisions in the skin. Arthroscopy can repair damaged cartilage, ligaments, tendons, or bones. The procedure is minimally invasive when compared to a full surgical joint restoration.

Hernia Repair

This is a procedure to fix a bulge or weakness in the abdominal wall that allows internal organs or tissues to protrude. Hernia repair can be done with open surgery or laparoscopy (a less invasive technique that uses small incisions and a camera).


This is a procedure to remove the tonsils, which are two masses of tissue at the back of the throat. A tonsillectomy can treat recurrent infections or inflammation of the tonsils, or breathing problems caused by enlarged tonsils. Although the patient may have some throat discomfort as they recover from the procedure, tonsillectomy patients can usually safely return home after their tonsils are removed without an overnight stay.


This is a procedure to examine and treat problems in organs of the digestive tract, such as the esophagus, stomach, or colon. Endoscopy involves inserting a flexible tube with a camera and instruments through the mouth or anus. The procedure can diagnose and treat conditions such as ulcers, polyps, bleeding, or cancer.

There are many other types of outpatient surgery that can be performed safely and effectively. If you are considering a surgical procedure, schedule a consultation with a physician in your local area to discuss whether outpatient surgical services are suitable.

Contact a local surgery center to learn more.


10 July 2023